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9.28 lakh people without power in nine flood-affected districts

A total of 9.28 lakh subscribers in nine flood-affected districts of the country’s southeast regions are out of power at present, according to the data from the Ministry of Power, Energy, and Mineral Resources.
The ministry released the data today, highlighting that a total of 17 substations have been shut down in Feni, the hardest-hit district, leaving 4.41 lakh customers without power.
Other affected districts include Chandpur, Noakhali, Laxmipur, Chattogram, Cumilla, Cox’s Bazar, Moulvibazar, and Brahmanbaria.
Although no substations have been shut down in these eight districts, 107 out of 905 feeders (distribution lines that transmit power from substations to customers) have been taken offline.
The data shows that 218,000 customers in Noakhali, 152,000 in Cumilla, 78,000 in Chattogram, and 25,000 in Laxmipur are currently without electricity.
Nearly 300,000 people were taking refuge in emergency shelters yesterday from floods that inundated vast areas of the low-lying South Asian country, disaster management officials said.
The floods were triggered by heavy monsoon rains and have killed at least 18 people in Bangladesh.
